HRE - Honduras Relief Effort
HRE stands for Honduras Relief Effort
Here you will find, what does HRE stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Honduras Relief Effort? Honduras Relief Effort can be abbreviated as HRE What does HRE stand for? HRE stands for Honduras Relief Effort. What does Honduras Relief Effort mean?Honduras Relief Effort is an expansion of HRE
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Alternative definitions of HRE
- Human Research and Engineering
- Holy Roman Empire
- Hormone Response Element
- Harare, Zimbabwe
- Rockwell E Hardness Number
- Human Research and Engineering
- Hypo Real Estate
- Harare International airport
View 78 other definitions of HRE on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HR
- HFCC Honeysuckle Foundation for Children with Cancer
- HTY Honolulu Theatre for Youth
- HONOR Honor Our Neighbors' Origins and Rights
- HCYPI Hood County Youth Project Inc.
- HAKOGFI Hook A Kid On Golf Foundation of Illinois
- HEC Hoosier Environmental Council
- HPAC Hooterville Pet Adoption Center
- HOPEIDA HOPE - International Devlopment Agency
- HKI Hope 4 Kids International
- HDACI Hope and Dreams Art Center Inc.
- HC Hope Center
- HCI Hope Center, Inc.
- HC Hope Coalition
- HCA Hope Coalition America
- HCI Hope Communitu Inc.
- HC Hope Community
- HCPAC Hope Cottage Pregnancy and Adoption Center
- HFRI Hope Family Resources Inc.
- HFA Hope For Africa